Corporate Timeline | Blue Ocean Technologies LLC
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Corporate Timeline

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Blue Ocean Technologies (BOT) was founded by industry veterans, creating the Blue Ocean Session offering to establish an afterhours market center.

BOT client TD Ameritrade promotes “All Night Long” trading with celebrity Superbowl ad feature Lionel Richie, leveraging Blue Ocean Session after hours trading capability.

Blue Ocean Technologies establishes its subsidiary Blue Ocean ATS, LLC with the intent to become a broker dealer and to operate and Alternative Trading System. Blue Ocean Management Partners is founded by CEO, Ralph Layman to raise capital, attract new investors and further BOT’s mission.

Blue Ocean ATS, LLC becomes a FINRA member/broker-dealer.

Canadian firm Urbana Corporation becomes lead investor in Blue Ocean Technologies, to support the trading of U.S. listed equities after hours. Strategic alliance formed with Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE). Blue Ocean Technologies names former Nasdaq executive, Brian Hyndman as President of Blue Ocean Technologies. BOT establishes its Board of Directors. Blue Ocean ATS (BOATS) goes live in June of 2021. BOT completes a second round of financing by Urbana Corporation and other investors.

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